Code of Ethics

Maimai undertakes and demands to suppliers and retailer the following fundamental principles:

  • Prohibit the work of minors under the age of 15, unless an ILO waiver authorizing the work of minors from the age of 14;
  • Prohibit recourse, whatever its form, to slavery, debt bondage and the use of forced or compulsory labor, as well as products or services created by such means. The term “forced or compulsory labor” means any work or service imposed to an individual with the threat of any penalty or without receiving remuneration and for which the person has not offered himself on his own initiative;
  • Prohibit any type of work which, by its nature or due to the conditions in which it is executed, could compromise health, safety or morality;
  • Prohibit any behavior against dignity at work, in particular any practice against social regulations, concerning remuneration, working hours and working conditions;
  • Respect the directly applicable law regulating representation and expression of workers rights;
  • Prohibit discrimination, in particular racial, ethnic and gender;
  • Prohibit any behavior that gives rise to sexual harassment or mobbing;
  • Respect the directly applicable environmental legislation and also work to implement the 3 Global Compact principles regarding environmental protection:
    • Apply a precautionary principle to face problems concerning the environment,
    • Take initiatives aimed to promote greater environmental responsibility,
    • Encourage the development and dissemination of environment friendly technologies.

Unlawful practice of child labor or forced or compulsory labor constitutes an element contrary to any commercial relationship between Maimai and a supplier or retailers.


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